My Husband is the Star on Father’s Day

While I am missing my sweet Dad this Father’s Day and every day, I am pretty darn excited to celebrate the most amazing Dad – my husband. This guy, this guy, this guy. Allow me to get a bit mushy here; perhaps a bit nauseating, in fact.

When I see the word father and think the word father, I always see a tall man with dark skin, a thick Argentinian accent, white hair and a smile made only for me.

These days though, four years after my own father passed away, when I speak the word father, I am talking about the father of my kiddos, my baby daddy, my Hubs. And I love him more, when I speak of him in his role of Dad.

He seems to have been born to be a father, my Hubs.

He was a natural when they were infants, changing diapers quickly and effortlessly like he was some diaper ninja. Hubs bathed my son every night in the sink, tickled mydaughter until she was breathless, and got up for those 2 a.m. feedings because I was better at 10 and 5.

father-daughter-quotes-for-fathersDuring toddler days he came in the door after trying days at work and ate with them, got on the floor with them, played princesses and Thomas the Train and helped me with bath time and the wrangling of naked kiddos running around before bed. He did it with a smile and hugs and so much love and support.

During grade school years, I marveled at how they all grew together. Hubs became their confidant, the guy with the funniest jokes, the Dad that knew everything from how to throw a slider to how to best get the dog to do what he wanted to finding the best parking spaces to being the best playmate in the pool.

And now. watching him father my teenagers, I see a man determined to love, to provide, to stay close, to teach, to advise. He has built beautiful relationships with his children. He enjoys their company and they feel it. They listen to him even when it doesn’t seem like it. His words and wisdom sink in, even if sometimes they roll their eyes. He speaks of being cautious, being kind, having character, when to say yes and when to say no. They listen and watch him. By watching him, they learn.

Our kiddos are in love with their father. It’s just so easy to love him. He smiles and the room lights up. He is patient, he is thoughtful, he is generous, he provides. They feel his love every day. And they know when they’ve crossed lines. When Hubs gets angry – and that’s rare – oh do they feel it. And it means everything. And they learn.

Most of all, Hubs is teaching my kids by example. He teaches my son how to be a great man, how to be a great Dad, how to be a good husband, just by being all these things himself. He teaches my girl how to be strong, confident, aware and wise through his love, acceptance and by the way he treats me.

The way my husband treats me… I could go on for days. Showing me love and respect has been the greatest gift he has given my kiddos. Hubs is overflowing with sweet words for me, out loud, in front of the kids. He is affectionate and generous and is committed to our marriage.

His words and actions prove his love for me and shows our kids that the core of their lives, their mom and dad, are solid and stable. It teaches my son how to treat women and teaches my daughter what to expect from men. When there is love between parents the whole house is filled with it. The kids feel safe and all is well in their world.

So today, and every day, I honor the father of my kiddos, my baby daddy, my Hubs. I will kiss him a little more today, hug him a little harder and watch him in awe, as he loves on his kiddos and embodies the word father better than anyone I will ever know.

Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there. I’d love to hear your Father’s Day stories in the comments below.

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